Urine Culture

کد بین المللی تست

نام فارسی

کشت ادرار

نام انگلیسی

Urine Culture

نام لاتین مخفف تست


بخش تست مربوطه

اساس روش آزمایش؛متد انجام تست


قابلیت اورژانس

Not Applicable

تست خاص بخش


وضعیت تست


نوع نمونه تست

Clean voided mid-stream (CVS) Urine Urine collected Straight from catheter (in and out) Suprapubic aspirate

حجم نمونه تست

At least 12 mL

شرایط قبل از انجام تست

Clean voided mid-stream (CVS) Urine: Female: clean area with soap and water, then rinse with water; hold labia apart and begin voiding in commode; after several ml have passed, collect mid-stream. Males: clean glands with soap and water, and then rinse with water. Begin voiding in commode, after several ml have passed, collect mid- stream Urine collected Straight from catheter (in and out): Clean urethral area (soap and water) and rinse (water) Suprapubic aspirate: Disinfect skin

شرایط دمایی نگهداری نمونه

for 24 hours at 4°C.

شرایط حمل نمونه

with Preservative within 24hrs at Room Temperature Unpreserved within 2hrs at Room Temperature Immediately at Room Temperature

موارد رد نمونه

If it does not comply with preparation, Volume, Storage and transport conditions

روز انجام تست


مدت زمان انجام تست

in 2 working days